Dundee University salutes Scott Sutherland
It was a very special occasion for the Scott Sutherland Project yesterday at Dundee University on the Perth Road. The seventh plaque in the Commando Memorial Heritage Trail was unveiled on the screen wall outside the Crawford Building. 'Scotty' Sutherland would have used the entrance each day to reach his studio.
Alan Beattie Herriot studied under Scotty and continues to acknowledge his creativity in his own work as a sculptor. Alan also delivered a personal recollection of his time at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design (DJCAD). The Scott Sutherland Project committee were delighted that Alan accepted the invitation to unveil the commemorative plaque.
Thanks to the team at Dundee University for their enthusiastic support and for their efforts in making it a truly memorable day. Thanks are also due to Angus Robson for his immaculate piping, members of the Royal Marines Association, Commando Association and the the Royal Marines Riders.
